Category Archives: Ask the Drone Experts

Drones and Sports Media: An Interview with Skip Whitman

I recently had the chance to ask the University of Utah’s Director of Video and Broadcast services, Eugene Skip Whitman, a few questions about his experience with and views on drones in sports media. Dominic Austin: First, could you give a brief description of your job here at the University of Utah? Skip Whitman: I manage […]

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Making Drones More Accessible: An Interview with Timothy Reuter

I recently interviewed drone hobbyist, educator, and speaker Timothy Reuter. I asked him about his work to educate the public about drones, make drones more accessible to a wider, as well as about his thoughts on the future of drones. Lauren Peterson: Can you introduce yourself and some of the work that you’ve done? Timothy Reuter: Sure, my […]

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The Future of Hobbyist and Commercial Drones: An Interview with Dr. Kam Leang

Dr. Kam Leang is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah where he is the director of the University’s Design, Automation, Robotics, and Control Lab (DARC Lab.) Here, he answers seven questions about the hobbyist and potential commercial uses of small unmanned aerial systems, or drones, and addresses the technical and […]

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Drones and Privacy: An Interview with Professor Randy Dryer

Randy Dryer is a lawyer and professor of law at the S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah. I recently had the opportunity to speak with him about the implications of drones for privacy rights. Zeke Peterson: How does your work give you a unique perspective on issues involving drones? Randy Dryer: I […]

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Drone Research at the University of Utah: An Interview with Daman Bareiss

Here at the University of Utah Department of Mechanical Engineering, a group of graduate students led by Dr. Kam K. Leang have been working in a research team dubbed the DARC (Design, Automation, Robotics & Control) Laboratory. There, the team works on design for remotely controlled aircraft and development of intelligent autonomous systems intended to improve navigation […]

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